Dear Beautiful UUI Families,

Has anyone told you you're looking like a force for justice today? Well, then, let me be the first because it's true! Attending a UU church is an act of radical love and justice. 
Here we all work together to provide a unique spiritual home where all people are welcome and celebrated. For our children and youth we hold up and teach values of love, inclusion, compassion and giving. And we need these lessons today just as much as we ever have! 
To make this possible, we need you. To be sure, the gift of your presence on Sunday and participation in our programs makes for a richer experience and community for everyone who attends. For this we are immensely grateful! We know this isn't always easy for families who have so much going on with work, school and extracurricular activities or for whom sometimes getting out the door with little ones with everyone dressed and fed is not easy! 
As you may have heard, we are in the middle of our annual Stewardship Pledge Drive. Some information on this: 

  • A pledge is a form we ask everyone to fill out and turn in that states how much a family intends to contribute financially to UUI for the coming church year (July - June).

  • During the annual pledge drive, staff, committee chairs, the Board of Trustees and the Finance Committee work together to develop a draft budget. The budget includes staff salaries and benefits and costs to support our programs such as religious education, social justice, outreach, music and art as well as utilities, upkeep on buildings, etc. 

  • At the end of the pledge drive, the final budget is set. If we don't reach our pledge goal, cuts to the budget will have to be made. If we exceed our pledge goal, we can increase our spending in a number of areas, including religious education!

As people we go through different seasons in our lives. In some seasons we have more to contribute financially than in others. If you are able to send in a pledge form (and these are kept confidential, by the way), I encourage you to do so. No amount is too small to make a big difference in the life of our church. Your pledge not only supports UUI financially, but is one of the metrics we look at to see if our families are happy with our programs and our community, to see if we are growing, and as a sign of vibrancy of community.

If you have already submitted your pledge, thank you! If not, you can click here for a blank pledge form. Forms are also available in the Social Hall at the Welcome Desk on Sunday morning. Pledge forms can be turned in at church.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to let me know.
With Gratitude, Peace and Love, 

Director of Lifespan Religious Education